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How Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Make Hiring Easy?

May 06,2024

Why do some companies seem to hire easily while others find it hard? The answer is simple: it's all about having a good recruitment strategy.

To be a company that hires well anytime you need, you should focus on two main things: 

1. Having a smart hiring plan helps you find people when needed.

2. Having the right tools or team to make your hiring plan work, whether it's your own hiring team or outside experts who help you hire. 

This blog will show you how to make and use a hiring plan in different hiring ways. You'll get helpful advice and learn what candidates think, too.

How to develop a recruitment strategy?

The goal of any recruitment strategy is straightforward: to match the right candidate with the right job as efficiently as possible.

It might sound simple, but achieving this is easier with a strategy that is:

Clear: Everyone involved in the recruitment process, including the Talent Acquisition team, HR team, hiring managers, and senior stakeholders, should understand their roles. Each team should also have well-defined success metrics.

Repeatable: Your hiring process should be ready to activate quickly without re-strategizing.

Scalable: Your recruitment strategy should work effectively whether you're hiring one person or a hundred. Scalability is crucial for a robust talent acquisition strategy.

There is no universal recruitment strategy, as it depends on your company, culture, and the hiring market. However, a good starting point is to consider the recruitment cycle, which typically includes five parts:

1. Defining Job Descriptions

Begin by creating a detailed job description, even if you're refilling an existing role. Job requirements evolve, and the ideal candidate might need new skills.

To create an accurate job description:

  • Consult Stakeholders: Ensure everyone agrees on the job’s roles and responsibilities.

  • Define Skills: Match each job duty with the necessary skills, abilities, and experience.

  • Prioritize Requirements: Identify which skills are essential and which are flexible, as it is rare to find a candidate who meets all criteria perfectly.

2. Connecting with Candidates

Sourcing candidates involves more than just posting job ads online. While job boards are a common source of applications, they often result in a low conversion rate to hires.

Improve your candidate outreach through:

  • Referral Programs: Leverage your current team’s networks to find potential candidates.

  • Social Media: Build your employer brand and connect with passive job seekers.

  • Community Engagement: Engage with online and offline professional communities to access specialized talent for difficult-to-fill positions.

3. Screening and Interviewing

Balancing speed and thoroughness in candidate screening is crucial. A slow process might cause you to lose great candidates, while a rushed process can lead to hiring mistakes.

To streamline this phase:

  • Focus: Ensure everyone understands the ideal candidate profile based on a clear job description and prioritized attributes.

  • Involvement: Make sure the right people are available and involved in the decision-making process without delay.

  • Efficiency: Eliminate unnecessary steps and consider virtual interviews to speed up the process.

4. Building an Attractive Offer

A compelling offer is not just about the total compensation but about demonstrating that you understand and value the candidate’s needs and aspirations. To stand out:

  • Salary: Ensure your offer is competitive by benchmarking against market data.

  • Benefits: Offer core benefits like healthcare and additional perks tailored to individual needs.

  • Professional Development: Highlight the training, experience, and support you offer for career growth.

5. Onboarding and Integration

Effective onboarding reduces new hire turnover, which can be costly and time-consuming. A well-thought-out onboarding process includes:

  • Practical Support: Provide new hires with necessary materials, IT access, and initial training. Managers should set clear expectations.

  • Cultural Integration: Welcome new hires with introductory social events and assign a buddy or mentor to help them settle.

  • Regular Check-Ins: Maintain good communication, allowing new hires to express their progress and seek help.

How RPO can deliver your hiring strategy?

Yes, a powerful recruitment strategy is important, but do you have the team to implement it?

Many organizations struggle with talent acquisition, facing challenges such as:

  • An understaffed or overextended recruiting team.

  • An HR department lacking recruitment expertise.

  • The inability of recruitment agencies to find suitable candidates.

  • Insufficient resources to scale up recruitment efforts when needed.

  • Inexperience with current technology like Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

  • Strategies that fail to deliver expected results.

  • Low retention rates of new hires.

This is where Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) steps in. RPO Recruitment Process Outsourcing offers immediate access to skilled, experienced recruiting experts who can execute your strategy at a lower cost per hire.

Let’s explore how an RPO partner can support you.

1. Needs Analysis

Knowing your destination is one thing, but how do you get there?

A needs analysis starts by examining your current state. An RPO consultant will review your workforce planning, including technology, processes, and personnel. They will also consider your company culture and growth objectives.

Next, the consultant will discuss your desired future state, aligning it with your human resources strategy and overall business goals.

The consultant will understand your current and desired states and develop a recruitment plan to bridge the gap.

A needs analysis is typically a one-off exercise that provides insights into the weaknesses of your current talent acquisition strategy.

2. Research and Targeting

Sourcing candidates is often the most challenging part of recruitment. Your ideal candidates may not be looking for jobs where you advertise, and the best ones might not be actively job-hunting.

An RPO Recruitment Process Outsourcing expert can improve your recruitment marketing strategies and connect you with the right candidates by:

  • Identifying your ideal candidate profile

  • Locating relevant communities

  • Creating targeted messages to attract the right people

  • Leveraging word-of-mouth in existing networks

  • Employing strategies for early career talent

  • Using technology to track engagement in the talent pool

Once your message reaches the right audience, suitable candidates will appear, making it easier to select the best fit. 

3. Identification and Evaluation

Pre-screening applicants can be resource-intensive. An RPO consultant can streamline this process by:

  • Screening: Conducting phone and email screenings to assess candidate availability.

  • Pre-interviews: Performing initial interviews to understand candidates' backgrounds and expectations.

  • Assessments: Administering tests, such as personality profiles (DiSC, Myers-Brigg), to gauge culture fit and suitability.

4. Candidate Coordination

Managing interviews can become overwhelming, especially with a multi-step process. Tasks are:

  • Scheduling interviews with candidates and stakeholders

  • Ensuring candidates are prepared

  • Handling last-minute changes

  • Conducting interviews

  • Processing feedback and deciding the next steps

  • Keeping candidates informed

5. Offer Design and Negotiation

Securing your ideal candidate involves more than just finding them; you need to make them choose you over competitors. An RPO consultant can assist with:

  • Salary Benchmarking: Guaranteeing that your offer is both competitive and viable.

  • Total Rewards: Emphasizing bonuses, advantages, training, and promotional programs, and flexibility in working hours.

  • Negotiation: Advocating for you during the negotiation process to ensure that the contract is favorable to both parties.

Advanced Benefits of RPO

Being a proactive employer means continually attracting fresh talent, even when not actively hiring. An RPO Recruitment Process Outsourcing can help modernize your talent acquisition approach through:

Functional Process Reviews

An RPO consultant can evaluate your entire recruitment process and provide insights on the following:

  • Benchmarking against other employers.

  • Recommendations for new recruitment technology.

  • Identifying process inefficiencies.

  • Suggesting improvements to reduce time-to-hire.

Recruitment Tech Implementation

Modern recruitment IT, such as AI-powered ATS, can streamline processes. RPO consultants can help by:

  • Selecting the right ATS

  • Advising on installation and configuration

  • Designing processes that integrate with the new ATS

  • Ensuring compliance through audits

  • Training your internal team

Employer Branding and Candidate Experience

Candidates research potential employers before applying, making their online presence crucial. RPO providers can improve your employer brand by:

  • Assessing and improving your online presence

  • Recommending effective social media channels

  • Building a user-friendly careers portal

  • Integrating online presence with ATS

  • Improving candidate experience for positive reviews on platforms like Glassdoor

A strong employer brand attracts top talent, and your perfect candidate may already follow your updates.

Leveraging RPO Services India can transform your recruitment strategy, ensuring you find and retain the best talent in the market.


Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) transforms hiring by offering expert support, advanced tech, and efficient processes. It addresses common recruitment hurdles, enabling the easy attraction and retention of top talent. 

Partnering with an RPO provider like Collar Search allows organizations to establish a clear, scalable hiring strategy, ensuring the right candidates are found as needed. Like any business function, successful recruitment requires careful planning and execution. RPO Services India brings the necessary skills for planning execution and can support the HR team long-term or on a project basis for specific recruitment needs.